Be part of a community dedicated to cow welfare.
Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra (GVAK) is a Non-Government Organization on a mission to rekindle the age-old bond between humans and cows. Rooted in the rich heritage of Indian agriculture and traditional wisdom, our organization is dedicated to researching and promoting the multifaceted benefits of cows and their five essential products: milk, curds, ghee, urine, and dung – collectively known as Panchgavya.
Cow Based Products Manufacturer Gondia Dist., Maharashtra, India
I came to Go Vigyan after my jersey cow based dairy went in loss. I was hugely benefitted by the training of producing cow based products. Thanks to Go Vigyan I was able to start a new business. I get regular consultation from Go Vigyan & my business has grown since then.
Organic Farmer Karanja Ghadge, Dist. Wardha, India
I am a small land owner in a small village in Wardha District. I was facing bankruptcy because of very less yield and income from my land. After the training, I started farming as told by Go Vigyan. My input cost was reduced considerably and my income grew with this. Now I am earning 2 Lakh Rupees per year from my 2 Acre Land.